
Scott Smith receives OTA 'Service to Industry Award'

Nov 15, 2014

On November 14th, 2014, the Ontario Trucking Association held its annual OTA Convention & Executive Conference in Toronto. It was a huge celebration for all, especially when our very own, Scott Smith, received the Shaw Tracking-OTA Service to Industry Award of 2014. His passion and determination to change and campaign ongoing issues within the trucking industry has encouraged many to follow in his footsteps to operate in a safe, socially responsible manner, while running an equally successful organization. 

Scott Smith exemplified all the traits of a leader as he is not only the President and CEO of JDSmith, but during 2004-2006, he was also the Chairman for OTA. During his term, he helped to raise awareness for necessary road legislations to ensure the safety for both drivers and members of the public. He was also considered one of the youngest to ever sit on the OTA board, but that never stopped him from pursuing his vision and letting his voice be heard.

What made the event even more special was that Scott’s father, Doug Smith was also presented the award in 1983. Essentially, this would make the two, the first father/son recipients of the OTA Service to Industry Award.

“It was a tremendous honour, and a very humbling experience to be announced as the recipient of the Shaw-Tracking Service to Industry Award. Growing up, it was ingrained in me that a strong association often means a healthy industry and business environment in which to operate. I also feel strongly that it’s important to give back to an industry that has been such a part of our family fabric. My involvement over the years at OTA has been very interesting, enjoyable, and has provided me some very close friendships as well.” – Scott S.

Congratulations to Scott for being the receipt of the Shaw Tracking-OTA Service to Industry Award and thank you to all who came out to support the event.